
“They’ve also found an outlet creating original music that responds to the ongoing issues but that also extends the salsa canon. Lulada’s songs are written from a woman’s perspective and establish agency in narratives that have traditionally come from a male perspective.”

— Rolling Stone

Read the article here.

NY 1 Noticias

Pa'lante: El Pasado, El Presente y Futuro de la Salsa

Lulada Club was featured among Salsa legends Rubén Blades, Willie Colón, Gilberto Santa Rosa and Eddie Palmieri


New York Live

“The fun that we have with the music…Because the girls come from different musical backgrounds, I feel like they add their own flavor to it.”

Andrea Chavarro, Vocalist and Director for Lulada Club

Andrea Chavarro tells Dahiana Pérez her favorite thing about Lulada Club.

telemundo nacional

Hoy Día

At Lincoln Center, Lulada Club speaks to Hoy Día on their emergence as New York City’s all-women salsa ensemble and what their work means to them.

“Aparte de llevar la música latina a varios escenarios, para las integrantes de esta orquesta femenina también es muy importante poder llevar un mensaje de motivación a todas las mujeres.”

Hoy Día, Telemundo Nacional


In an interview with Gothamist’s Precious Fondren, Lulada’s Andrea Chavarro shares the significance of being part of ¡Arriba!.

[Andrea’s] thrilled that a major salsa event will feature female musicians, something that is a rare opportunity for women.We've had an overwhelming response of people being like 'I can't believe you guys exist or I'm so happy to find out about you.’”

Andrea Chavarro, Vocalist and Director for Lulada Club

open friday


Andrea Chavarro and Katherine Ocampo are joined by BronxNet’s Rhina Valentin.

“Our biggest goal is for people to have access to live music, culture, community, and representation for women in festivals and other spaces.”

Katherine Ocampo, Co-Band Leader and Saxophonist


Cuny TV

“The all-women salsa band has been making a name for itself throughout New York City with its vibrant sounds and contagious energy.”

Tinabeth Piña, Creator and Host for Latinas


Lincoln Center


Citi bank

Senator Jessica Ramos

New York Women's Foundation

Clemente Center

Loisada Festival

Multicultural women's conference

Symphony Space

The Essex Market

Lincoln Center • SummerStage • Citi bank • Senator Jessica Ramos • New York Women's Foundation • Clemente Center • Loisada Festival • Multicultural women's conference • Symphony Space • The Essex Market •